Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Love & Money in NOLA ------- Chapter 7

Chapter 7
      Yesterday at Keno’s took an unexpected turn. While I anticipated going over there attitude on a hundred, in King Kong mode, things turned out a whole lot differently. We made love and he cooked me a romantic dinner by candlelight. I wanted to hate him, but when I’m in his presence he has his way of making me forget all of our problems; an attribute I both loved and despised in him. The night ended with a startling phone call. It was Jasmone’s mom and she was at the hospital after she had gotten a call that Jasmone was there. I took off as fast as I could wondering what was wrong with my friend.

    Upon arrival at River Oaks Hospital, I met her mom Joyce in the waiting room and she led me to room 111 where my friend lied looking like she had been attacked by a pack of werewolves. I couldn’t help the tears that had begun rolling down my face. “Oh my God Jas, what happened to you?” “I’m alright. Just a bunch of jealous females in the neighborhood you know.” I caught her shooting her mom a reassuring glance. “I’ll leave you two alone for a few moments, but I’ll be back to check on you,” Mama Joyce told her firmly after planting a kiss on her forehead. “Man, I’m glad she’s gone. She has been so overbearing.” “Jas, look at you! What do you mean overbearing, those bitches could have killed you. They’re lucky I wasn’t there. Why didn’t you call me?” I was beyond infuriated at my friend because she knows all it would have taken was a call for me to have her back.

      “Look, Nae, calm down. I told my ma a lie because I am not ready for her to know about what I do on the side you know. I was a few bucks shy of what I owed the leading lady and she had one of her men rough me up. It’s cool though, we worked things out and she’s letting me keep my job.” I could hardly believe what she was telling me. “You’re lying in the fucking hospital looking like you had the life beat out of you and all you’re worried about is that she let you keep your job. What about your life Jasmone? Huh? Or do you just not give a fuck anymore?”

      I was angry but more hurt that my friend could endanger her life in such a manner. All for a dollar! “I am a grown ass woman Janae. I can handle myself, it was just a little fucking confusion. You act like you’re so much better than me. We come from the same hood, only thing different is our hustle. So stop talking to me like I’m a little ass girl. Matter fact, who called you anyway? I didn’t.”

      The nerve of this girl! My best friend, more like a sister was dissing me in my fucking face. I never knew it was a crime to care about somebody you love. I looked at her through the most painful eyes and just walked out. I knew she wasn’t in her right state of mind so I let it go. I just pray that she gets it together because these NO streets aint no joke; they’ll swallow you whole and spit you back out.

      I didn’t run into Mama Joyce on the way out which was a good thing, because she would’ve interrogated me for hours on end about why I was so upset. I didn’t need that right now. Sometimes I wonder why life throws so many curve balls; when one thing goes right, you can pretty much expect some bullshit to follow. I can’t count how many l’s I’ve taken in this game of life and to be losing my closest friend to a whorehouse was just about the biggest one of them all. I don’t know what to do.

      My rumbling stomach took my mind off of Jas and put it on food. I called in an order of Green Pepper Steak and egg rolls at China Palace. That was my only stop on my way home. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Since I received such positive feedback from many lustful spirits (lol), I have decided to continue with Random Rendezvous and make it a collection of erotic short stories. Hope you enjoy all new and old work!


Chapter 5
      I awakened the next morning and the sun met me, shining bright through my blinds begging me to get up and start my day. Rolling onto the edge of my bed and looking in my dresser mirror directly ahead of me, I couldn’t help but notice how disheveled I looked. Life was truly beginning to take its toll on me and it was showing through my appearance. Someone told me a long time ago “you don’t have to look like what you’re going through”. With that being said, I was determined to make the most of this day.

      I showered with my Japanese Cherry Blossom fragrance which I loved because it lit up the house like a scented candle. Throwing on something light because of the extreme heat outside, I jog downstairs and collect the mail that had been slipped through the slot in the door. Sorting through it all I noticed it was mostly junk mail and bills. What’s new? My phone rang catching me off guard. The ringtone was let me love you down by Ready for the World, so I already knew it was Keno. I don’t know why but I answered it; we hadn’t spoken in a few days so I guess I could see what new lies or excuses he had to throw my way.

“Hello”, I answered nonchalantly. “Hey to you too baby”. “I’m not your baby anymore so cut it out. What do you want Kee?” “I want you. I’m so sorry for the way that shit happened. I told her I didn’t want you to find out that way, to let me do it; but she wasn’t having it. Janae you know I love you. I’m man enough to admit I fucked up so let me fix it.” I let a few minutes of silence fill the air before answering him. “Keno, you put me through so much shit. When we happy, nothing else matters but when shit is sour its sour. It’s always hot or cold with you and I’m beyond tired of it. You don’t give me what I need and all I require is consistency and loyalty but you allow your penis to think for you instead of your brain.” Not realizing how angry I was, I hung up the phone after finishing what I had to say. The phone rang again no sooner than I hung up. “Why’d you do that? Never mind. I deserve it plus more. Can you come over so we can talk? Please! I’m begging you. Don’t say no!” “I’ll think about it,” and with that I hung up for the final time.

Chapter 6
      My baby was finally getting washed and detailed after an entire month of neglect. I had been so busy and frustrated that I was riding around in what resembled a dusty box car. I was at Al and Al’s One Stop Shop in the Hollygrove neighborhood about 4 to 5 miles from Keno’s place. I feel stupid for even thinking about going to see him after what happened but a major part of me wanted to see his face; to believe that everything was a lie. But in my heart I knew it was true and it had to be dealt with. I rode way from this son and pop shop in a vehicle that looked like it had just rolled off the lot.

      I headed North following LA-3139N, the shortest distance to Peppertree Apartments from Al’s. The ride took me about eleven minutes being that traffic was light. I pulled next to his 1991 Acura Legend and killed the engine. I sat in the car for a second preparing myself for whatever would happen once I got inside his apartment. Grabbing my purse and keys I took my time walking to his door. By the time I raised my fist to knock on his door, he opened it all smiles. I walked past him rolling my eyes, clearly bothered by his cockiness. I sat on the edge of the couch with my arms folded, never sitting my things down.

      “Make yourself comfortable; mi casa su casa”. “Look Keno, I didn’t come over here for your little jokes and games. Whats up?” “If you get any colder, I’d need a jacket on just to look at you”, he replied. “Ok, ok. I know you’re mad at me but you must have some love for me left because you came and that’s all that matters. I apologize for my wrong. I want you, not these other hoes. I wanted her to have an abortion but then I thought about it; that’s my seed that didn’t ask to be here so I have to lay down in the bed that I made. I just hope that you can forgive me enough to lay with me while I get things right.”

      I couldn’t find the words to speak because I was so choked up from the tears that had welled in my eyes. I tried so hard not to allow him to see me at such a vulnerable moment but I was so confused. I love him more than I love life at times but I couldn’t let him think that hurting me was ok. That he could step out, have a baby and I’d just come running back to him. I don’t operate like that, but at this very moment all I know is that I am torn. Keno wiped my tears from my eyes and held my face in his hands. As I stared into the windows of his soul I could see remorse and regret and it is for that reason that I allowed him to have me; right there in his living room on the floor. He made love to me as I ached; to be his only one, to be stronger, to let him go. Just for a moment my thoughts ran away from me as I ran towards an orgasm.

      We laid tangled up in each other and my web of emotions afterwards not saying a word to one another. I guess he was afraid to speak for fear of me getting up and leaving or he was exhausted and simply had nothing further to say. All I knew was, when I was in his arms I felt like nothing happened and nothing mattered. While he was my destruction at the same time he was my place of refuge. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Love & Money in NOLA ---- CHAPTERS 3 & 4

Chapter 3

      Back at home, I showered and went downstairs to find my mom but she wasn’t there.  I opened the fridge to fix a quick sandwich before leaving.  On the fridge door I find a note that says “Not going to be home, have business to handle. There’s barbeque chicken in the oven. Love mom.” Hm. That was weird, ma was never off schedule; her routine was pretty much set in stone. I shrugged it off and fixed me a bowl of chicken to take to work.

      By the time I got to work I had to say a prayer for strength before going in because I was really getting tired of working this job.  I mean it was income but what good is a McDonald’s check when you have a fistful of bills to pay. Sighing I remove myself from work and go to clock in. At the side door where we go to take breaks I saw two figures looking all lovey dovey, but I kept going. Twenty minutes later, Keno pops up and shoots me an awkward side eye. I wondered what that was about but as usual, I let it go. I had a long night full of bitching customers to worry about.

      Nine o clock finally arrived and I couldn’t have been more relieved.  With sore feet and a pounding headache I make my way to clock out and get in my car to leave.  Arriving at my car there was a female there seemingly waiting on me.  I put my hand inside my purse to feel for my mace just in case this was an attack.  I wasn’t overreacting; in this area people are known for getting assaulted not only at night but in broad daylight as well.  “Janae?” she questions.  “Yea, who the hell are you?”  “No need to be rude baby girl, I need to talk to you. I see you’re confused so I’ll just keep talking.  Straight up, I know you and Keno got ya’ll lil thing or whatever but I thought you should be the first to know that we been messing around.  It hasn’t been that long but I just found out that I’m pregnant.  He been told me that he was leaving you for me so we could start our family but I see he never went through with it, seeing as you was coming to his house earlier when I was leaving.  I’m not telling you this out of spite because the way I feel right now, its fuck him and I can raise my baby alone.”

      God, is this a joke?  I bust out laughing clearly bewildered and taken aback by the news.  For a moment I forgot that this unknown girl was there and in that moment, I took the opportunity to partially lose my mind.  Gathering myself I looked at her and I said surprisingly calm, “you……you and Keno, if that’s what you want then you can have him.  If he wants you he can have you.  Please move away from my vehicle.”  With pursed lips she waltzed away and I got in my car and cried like a baby.  I let everything go.  Banging my head against the steering wheel I felt my whole world collapsing around me.  So many emotions and nothing to do about it.  I was at the end of my rope and I was finally okay with that.

      I had no one to turn to.  The guy I loved cheated on me and got another chic pregnant, my best friend is somewhere on her knees sucking dick for twenty dollars and my ma, she just disappeared.  I was exhausted and my eyes were swollen from the continuous crying.  Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep in my car still at my job.

      Awakening hours later, I was startled that it was nearly three thirty in the morning.  I was emotionally spent and my mind was running because I wanted to confront him but another part of me was saying walk away.  My phone was dead and I didn’t have my car charger so I drove to the trap house to get me a dime bag from my supplier.  Luckily the weed men around here are actually about a dollar and can be found almost anywhere, no matter the time.  I decided to go to the boathouse and smoke alone before heading home and passing out again.

Chapter 4

      I slept in late the next day being that classes were cancelled and I didn’t have to work.  Getting out of bed I plugged my phone up and was met with thirty plus messages from Keno.  Ugh, I do not feel like dealing with him!  He made his bed and I was going to make him lie in it. Some of the messages were pleading me to talk to him and others were accusing me of being out with someone else.  My guess was she told him that she was going to tell me and he flipped out. I was determined to remain stress free today so I ignored him and decided to hit up Jas.  I hadn’t heard from her since that night at the boathouse.

      She picked up on the second ring sounding groggy.  “Sorry, did I wake you.”  “Naw you good, I was just getting up anyway.  What’s good stranger?”  I chuckled sensing the distance that had come between us.  Since she started this new “job” I barely heard from her or seen her at school.  The friend in me wanted to stop by her house a few times but she never answered the phone when I was on the way.  “Yeah, I guess we both been busy. I miss you though.”  “I miss you too Nae, what are you doing today because I have a little free time before I have to go in.”  We agreed to meet up at her house and have a day to ourselves.

      I arrived at her crib and went in without knocking.  The place was a mess!  Dishes piled up in the sink, clothes hanging out of the dryer and a horrible stench coming from the bathroom.  I was appalled, Jasmone’s mom would never go for this.  Speaking of, I wondered where she was.  I heard Jas scuffling around upstairs and I went up to meet her.  If downstairs was any indication or alert of what I had yet to see upstairs, I didn’t see it coming.  The shock must’ve been plain as day on my face because she said, “excuse the mess, I’m hardly ever here and when I do it’s never for long so I don’t get a chance to clean up good.”  I didn’t respond but cleared away a spot on the bed and sat down.

      “So what’s been good girl?  You still running behind Keno sorry ass?” Attempting to hold back the tears that had welled up in the corner of my eyes I said softly “we’re done”.  “WHAT!?” she shrieked.  “Oh my goodness Janae why didn’t you call me?  What happened?” Keeping my response short to remain as strong as possible I replied, “it just wasn’t meant to be, there was someone else.”  Understanding that I didn’t want to talk about the situation any further, she backed down and changed the subject.  We gossiped about school, work and a bunch of other bullshit.  I found myself smiling and not thinking about Keno.  That was one reason why Jas had always been a good friend.  She had the ability to make you forget all about your problems and her smile made you feel so warm.

      But I couldn’t help but notice that my friend had lost weight.  She was never a bad size but she had definitely slimmed down and her eyes looked tired and weak.  I didn’t say anything but I kept a mental note to bring it up at a later time.  Jas had received a call and she had to go.  We hugged and I went my way. 

 With no boyfriend, no work and no class I had nowhere else to be so I went home and climbed back in my bed.  My mind was full of mess and I just took the time out to pray and wish for it all to go away.  Music in my ears I drifted off to sleep and into a place where nothing mattered and nothing existed; my own utopia. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Love & Money in NOLA ---- CHAPTERS 1 & 2

                                                                        Chapter 1
      It is eighty seven degrees and I am at band practice about to fall out. Our choreographer has made us do this same routine over and over, and I am sick of these girls not getting it right. I mean, what is so hard about twirling and not dropping your flag. Every time someone dropped their flag we had to redo it from the top. Needless to say when five thirty hit I was racing off of the field to get home.

      “Well hello to you too Janae”, my mom said as I rushed straight into the house and headed up the stairs to my room. Here we go, I don’t know why she is always wanting to have a conversation after practice. I am beyond tired and sweaty, plus I have to study for this midterm in economics tomorrow. Rolling my eyes I turn on my heels to go see what she wants. “Hey ma, how was your day?” “Let’s see, I had visitors attempting to smuggle narcotics in to their friends; one of my officers was fired for having sexual relations with an inmate and I got chewed out by my superior for forgetting to sign off on a report. I’d say it went well.” We both burst out laughing.

      After chatting with ma for a few minutes longer I took to the stairs to shower and get prepared to crack open my principles of economics textbook. My head was buried in the chapters discussing incentives, supply and demand, and market competition. Hours passed of making flashcards, rereading past lectures and highlighting notes. Looking at the clock through droopy eyes I saw that it was nearly eleven thirty. Grabbing my phone that I had purposely placed away from me to avoid distractions, I saw that I had five missed calls and a couple of texts. The calls were from Jasmone, my best friend. Opening up the unread text messages, unsurprisingly I saw that they too were from her. One simply read “boathouse ten o clock”. Shit! I had forgotten all about this impromptu meeting she had told me about before practice earlier that day. Clicking reply I send back “sorry meet me now, leaving home as I write”. Throwing on a sweat suit I jog downstairs grabbing the keys to my two thousand and one champagne Honda accord. It took me about fifteen minutes to get to the boathouse.

      The boathouse wasn’t an actual boathouse like what you see in the movies where the boathouse is sitting on a pretty lake of water with nice boats on the inside. Our spot was an old shed on abandoned property with a couple of worn rowboats inside. This is where we came to get away from the stress of college and home life; it is also where we chilled and got high. When I pulled up I killed my lights seeing that she was already there. Jas stayed closer to the place than I did and she was the one that found it. Walking around to the back entrance, I went in and saw her kicked back in one of the boats already blazing. “Whats up, you ignoring me now?” She immediately pounced on me letting me have it for not responding to any of her efforts to get in contact with me. “Bitch chill you know it won’t nothing like that”, I reassured her. “Pass me the blunt”. After hitting it a couple of times I found myself relaxing and forgetting all about anything that had been getting on my fucking nerves. Inhale the good shit and exhale the bullshit. That was our motto here.

      We remained silent for what seemed like an eternity, allowing the peacefulness of our environment and the herbs to consume us and take us wherever. Jas was the first to break the silence. “Nae, you know this shit getting old right”. I looked at her trying to figure out what she was trying to say. Without waiting for me to say something back she continued “I don’t know about you but I’m tired of struggling ma. Think about it, both of our moms’ aint hitting on shit by their selves right now. There has to be something better out here man but all we get to see is the ugly.” Listening to what she was saying I began wondering what place this was coming from. Normally she was cool and laid back but tonight something seemed to weigh on her mind. Whatever the reason, I had to agree and say she was right.

      Both of our mothers are single parents living in the fifth ward of New Orleans, barely keeping their heads above water. Jas and I both attended Loyola University without the help of our parents which means we were basically drowning ourselves in debt to get through school at seventeen thousand dollars in tuition per semester. The only financial assistance we had was a minority and band scholarship. Our fathers were practically nonexistent. Her dad bailed out on them when she was thirteen because his fiancĂ© moved him away to North Carolina and he was never heard from again. On the other hand, my dad still resided in the NO but he wasn’t any good to himself let alone me or my mother. Heroine sucked him right up so my mom put him right out. Even if he was still around, I wouldn’t want anything to do with him.

      “Nae, Nae are you even listening to me”. I was snapped out of my inner thoughts when I heard Jasmone angrily calling my name. “Yeah I hear you, you just making me think about some things”. Calming down she responded “well good, because we have to do something. We have to find a way out of this hell we are living in and I have an idea”. Raising my eyebrow I wondered what it could be. “Go ahead”, I said encouraging her to continue and enlighten me. “I know this chick outside of school who says she can get us put on a good gig. I know you might not be down but she works for a madam and she making that bread Nae. I’m talking at least eight hundred a night and that’s after paying her dues.” I must have caught her off guard by the laughing because she stopped talking and looked at me with a grave look on her face. I thought I was tripping because I was blowed out of my mind. I know she didn’t say madam! The laughing ceased when I looked at her good and saw that her expression was serious and unchanging. “Jas! Are you serious? You want us to go be professional hos? Jas say something because this doesn’t sound like you.”

      “Nae baby, what do we have to lose?! We stay in the shittiest part of New Orleans and yeah we may be in college but hell, we barely in there because it’s hard to pay for. I’m tired of working these dead end fast food jobs hardly making minimum wage. My mama lights got cut off tonight and that shit woke me up. I’m done tussling with poverty. I deserve better. We deserve better.” She kept her eyes focused on me, nearly crying. I was taken aback by this proposition. My mind was slowly registering that what Jas was feeling was real and I know Jas. I know once she has her mind set on something she is going to do it. My only problem was falling in line with this plan. Could I lower my self-worth and live like that?

      “Look you my girl and everything, but whether you say yes or no, my mind is already made up. I have to get this money the best way that I know how. I’m just trying to be a friend and put you up on game because the bottom is crowded and I’m trying to be at the top where there is room to breathe.” Still thinking to myself I told her “and you’re my girl too but I can’t Jas. I just can’t. The job I have is going to have to get me through.” Shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders she got up to leave and she did so without saying goodbye. I remained at the boathouse until she had left then I left behind her. The drive home seemed so long and my mind was racing a million miles a minute. I tried to shake off the conversation we just had and the thoughts that followed. Turning up the radio on 93.3 and pressing the gas, I sped home.


      The next morning I was awakened by the sound of Lil Boosie rapping Mind of a Maniac. That was my song and my alarm on my phone waking me up for class. Looking at the time I cursed the sleeping Gods for letting me miss my first alarm and oversleeping. I hurriedly jumped out of the bed and took a bird bath and got dressed. By the time I reached campus and found a park close to Miller Hall I was already ten minutes late for my final. Literally running up the stairs and through the wooden double doors, I was out of breath by the time I reached the lecture room. Professor Gregg pursed his lips at me looking upset and motioned for me to come to the front of the room. All heads were buried in the test booklet paying me no attention. When I reached the front of the room he handed me my test and motioned for me to sit by the window, I silently mouthed sorry and did as I was told.

      Settled into my seat I ripped open the test and went to work. As I worked my way through the questions I found it to be quite easy. Thank God I studied! When I finished I was the last of three students to complete the test and turn it in. I turned to walk away but Gregg called me into his office on the other side of the room. “Sit, please”, he said to me upon entering his office. I sat upright on the edge of the leather chair and waited for him to speak which wasn’t long after he finished sorting through papers. “Ms. Janae Simmons, I wanted to speak with you about a pressing matter. While I am pleased with your work ethic and impressive workmanship in this course, I must say your absences and tardiness are quite numerous. Now I have been working with you but we are getting close to finals and you need to be here.” Processing this information I told him, “Professor Gregg, I know I haven’t been here as much as you or I would like me to be but I work and have five other classes to attend. It is extremely difficult for me to be here on time or all the time.” “Ms. Simmons we all have other things to do but it is your responsibility to be here. Now I have worked with you this long but I can’t do it anymore. This is college and sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Starting next class session, I expect you to be here and on time”. Giving up this miniature debate I agreed and left his office.

      Departing from the building I stopped for a moment on the steps just to take a minute to breathe. Life was becoming overwhelming and I had no source or outlet to vent. Heading to my car I remembered I had a clip saved from last nights’ toking session in the ashtray. Since my windows were tinted I sat right there in my parking spot and lit my herbs. It wasn’t much but I got my peace from that piece. I had an hour or so before I had to clock in at work so I picked up my phone and dialed Kenos’ number. Keno was a guy I met when I first started working at McDonalds. He was my trainer and that is how we formed our relationship….no our friendship. What we called ourselves was confusing and it was the main problem between us.

      The phone rang a couple of times before he decided to pick up. “Damn, took you long enough to answer”. “Man chill, what you doing”. “Shit, sitting in my car with nothing to do”. “Well, slide through because I aint doing nothing either.” “Aite be there in twenty”. “F’sho”. Throwing my phone in the passenger seat I backed out of the parking spot and hit I-10.

      Traveling almost 5 miles I finally arrived to Peppertree Apartments. This place is a gated community with one bedroom suites. Keno stayed here because of his parents help. They chose to let him have his own apartment and help him with bills as long as he worked. The lifestyle that he lived they didn’t approve of and didn’t want in their home. Even though he worked, Keno was a small time drug dealer who sold marijuana and varieties of pills. I pulled into the guest parking spot for his apartment and walked up the door. Although we were somewhat beyond friends I still give him the courtesy of knocking instead of waltzing into his place. “Hey sexy, took you long enough”. “Ha-ha”, I chuckled “keep trying to be funny clown”. “Shut up and bring your ass here”. Obeying I went and straddled him on the couch and gave him a kiss. I missed him and I planned on showing him just how much. His hands slipped under my knee length sundress and rubbed my thighs. Lifting me up with one arm and freeing his member with the other, I gasped as he slid me down his length. I don’t care how many times we have sex, it still feels like the first time we had ever done it. Holding on to his legs with his hands on my ass I bounce up and down giving him the ride of his life. Flexing my inner muscles, I throw my head back relishing in the moment. He loved when I did that because I hear him moan. “Shit baby, ride your fucking dick”. He just added fuel to the fire. He grabbed my waist as I bucked like a horse giving him something to feel. I sped up feeling him swell up about to bust. I screamed and fell forward onto his chest as we came together. “You keep fucking me like that I’m going to have to marry you”. I laughed lightly and whispered in his ear “maybe that’s what I want”.

      After refreshing we laid back on the couch and cuddled watching the Scandal marathon on BET. This was just what I needed. Keno was a gentleman and I loved it but he could also be a monster. I remember about four months after we started talking I came to his apartment unannounced and upon me entering I saw a girl leaving. I angrily questioned him and in turned got slapped. He later apologized and said it would never happen again. I stayed with him despite that and he hasn’t hit me since but he still has the ability to hurt me with words. I try to dismiss it believing that he truly loves me and only speaks to me like that when he is upset. I never told anyone because I knew if I told Jasmone she would have went postal on him and I didn’t want to ruin my friendship with her or my relationship with him. It was soon time for us to go to work so I left to go home and get dressed leaving him behind.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

New Work Tonight!

Took me a minute to wrap my head around the direction I wanted to take this story in...now I have it and I'm ready to drop Chapters 1-2 from "For the Love of Love tonight... #staytuned #Idothis #FortheLoveofLove #JayEss #myjewels If you like what you read, please feel free to comment and share on other sites. It's as simple as copying and pasting the link ---->  http://theonlyjayess.blogspot.com

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Random Rendezvous I Cont'd

       9:30. Here I am.......dressed and looking mighty fucking good if I do say so myself. I decided on a classic sleeveless little black dress underneath a white blazer with black lapels. My feet were adorned with black Louboutin Corneilles'. I was beginning to get upset because one, he wasn't on time and two, he hadn't called or texted to let me know what the hold up was. I mean damn, you asked me out and you have the AUDACITY to be late! Angry out of my mind I sent him a text saying "where the fuck are you and why haven't you contacted me?" Holding my phone in my hand while watching the time pass by, there was still no text. After a while I dozed off only to be awakened by my phone ringing at 10:00. "Come outside", his smooth voice demanded. Still upset I stormed outside mad that he kept me waiting so long. He was standing at the end of the steps with flowers in his hands and a note that simply said sorry. My frustration quickly subsided and I gave him a partial smile. Helping me into the passenger side of the vehicle I felt his hands brush my behind.
       Finally, on the road and after minutes of silence I said, "don't you ever keep me waiting that long again; my time is precious." He chuckled and replied, "I apologize beautiful, sometimes I can let time slip away without me even noticing it." Yea, yea I thought to myself. On the way to the restaurant we conversed about our occupations, family, hobbies and a bunch of other get-to-know-you things. I found myself smiling a lot when we talked because I love a man with good conversation.
      Pulling up to David's, an exquisite eatery on the other side of town, he helps me out and hands valet the keys. I had heard of this place but never had the opportunity to visit. Once seated he took the pleasure of ordering us each a glass of white wine. Thank God because I was still a little nervous being around him. I calmed down and became quite chatty over the next few glasses, only slowing down to savor the taste of my flat iron steak with portobello mushrooms. "I must admit this place is amazing Eric, thank you for bringing me here". "Anything for someone such as yourself, and I would gladly take you out again". I lowered my face smiling and hoping that he wouldn't see me blushing so damn hard. I feel like I look like an idiot! As if reading my thoughts he says "when you blush your eyes seem to sparkle, you are gorgeous". Damn, this man had all the right answers.
     "Ready to go", he asks. "Yes", I quickly respond.
Back in the Tahoe, he grabs my hand and gives it a peck. My God he has a nice set of lips. Rubbing his thumb in circles over the spot he had kissed he drove off from the restaurant. I had to squeeze my legs shut because my body temperature was beginning to rise and I knew why. I have to get out of this blazer. Releasing my hand from his embrace, I pull off my jacket and lay it on the middle armrest separating us. As if he couldn't wait he grabbed my hand again and looked me in my eyes. I broke the stare and went back to looking at the road in front of me. "You know you look like.......never mind". He hesitated finishing his sentence. "What, feel free to say whats on your mind". "See, I'm a respectable man but I can't seem to control myself around you." Uh-oh where is he going with this. My palms are getting sweaty and I'm getting nervous. He pulls over into this empty parking lot and kills the engine.
    Turning in his chair towards me he says, "when I look at you, I feel you. The heat coming off of your body takes me to another level and I've been trying all night but I just can't resist what I'm feeling. That smell of melon body mist radiating off of you fills my nose and all of a sudden I'm hungry....for you." Silence. Dead silence. What do I say to that? This was ummmm unexpected. My mouth went dry and I was at a permanent loss for words. Resuming his speech he whispers "you don't have to say a thing, I know you want it too. Take off your seat belt and crawl to the back of the truck." Was this really about to happen? With a stranger? Hell, I guess so because I did exactly as I was told.
      At the back of the truck, he sat in front of me on top of his folded down seats and took one of my fingers and placed it in his mouth. My lips parted to moan but I couldn't make a sound. That fire in the pit of my belly was growing as the heat between us grew. The warmth of his mouth and feel of his tongue licking my flesh was enough to send me over the edge. I stared at him as he continued this for a few minutes more. With my finger still in his mouth he slides closer to me and runs his hands along the inseams of the sides of my dress. In one swift motion he has my dress bunched around my waist.
     Removing my finger from his mouth I grab the back of his head and explored the inside of his mouth with my tongue. He was kissing me back with a fierceness that exceeded my own. He stops for a second to stick two of his fingers in my mouth and quickly removes them. Taking my tongue back and intertwining it with his, he used one hand to move my black lace panties to the side and the previously suckled fingers went inside me with the skill of a pro. Slowly he worked his fingers inside of me with his thumb rubbing my clitoris. I begin rolling my hips in time with his hand rhythms and I felt myself on the brink of an explosion. Just when I was about to cum he stopped; I said nothing but the desire dripping from my skin told everything. I opened my eyes and he removed his now soaked fingers and placed them in my mouth. Never knew I tasted so good.
   Trading places with me, he made me lie down on my back on the folded row of seats. Comfortable, he spread my legs and planted kisses up and down my inner thighs. Shaking I began to moan and plead for him to place his tongue on me. Answering my cries he licked from bottom to top and swirled his tongue around my clit. Latching on to my snatch like a leech, he licked my pearl over and over and over again making me squirm uncontrollably. My eyes rolling to the back of my head I felt myself losing it. I could barely hang on to the oncoming orgasm that was threatening to take control of me. When he placed his thumb over my anal hole I finally let go. Succumbing to the waves of ecstasy that washed over me, my legs locked around his neck and what I experienced was the best orgasm I had ever had. I knew his bald head had to hurt because I was beating the shit out of it. I laid there panting as he came up to me mouth glistening and kissed me, letting me taste myself once again. Whispering in my ear he told me that there was more where that came from. He kissed me on my neck and left me lying there.
    After a while, I regained my composure and ability to stand and crawled back to the front of the vehicle where he waited for me. He drove me home and we stopped once more along the way to go for round two. Needless to say that was a random rendezvous that caught me off guard but also one that I didn't regret.